Between the ages of 30 and 50 years old we spend most of our time working. It’s no coincidence that these are the years we are most likely to develop back pain and conditions like sciatica. Whether we are on our feet 12 hours a day or we spend that time sitting in a chair, we are likely to fight the battle of back pain and or nerve damage.
As sciatica is generally self-diagnosable, “Back in Shape Chiropractic” would like to save you the initial trip to the physician by telling you everything you need to know along with the symptoms and causes.
Sciatica pain can affect the lower back, hip and extends through one leg and sometimes down to the toes. Sciatica generally does not affect both sides of the body at the same time.
Common Types of Sciatica Pain
The type of pain or discomfort you feel may vary from mild to severe, radiating, jolting or sharp.
Sometimes you may feel a tingling or numbness throughout one of your legs. Other times you may feel a quick, sharp or burning sensation with an intense discomfort.
Some sciatica patients describe it as an “electric pulse” or “searing pain” from the lower back down through the thigh of one leg.
Other Signs you may have Sciatica
- Lower back pain
- Weakness or numbness in one leg, knee or foot
- Hip pain
- Shooting pain down one leg
- Pain on one side of buttocks when sitting
- In severe cases, loss of bladder control
Sciatica may be the result of the degeneration of an intervertebral disc which are the cushion between vertebrae. However it is most commonly caused by compression of spinal nerves in the roots of the lower lumbar spine. In other words, a pinched nerve. This may be caused by either a herniated or slipped disc or as a result of an injury.
Things that may worsen sciatica
- Being overweight
- Lack of exercise
- Using a mattress that is not stiff enough
- Wearing high heels
While you may have heard that sciatica requires surgery, it doesn’t. Chiropractors are trained to help your body heal itself without any medication or surgery, even for sciatica. With a non-invasive and drug-free treatment you can get your back in shape in no time. Depending on the severity of your sciatica, you may require one of the following treatments:
Types of Chiropractic Treatments
- Ice/Cold Therapy
- Ultrasound
- TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
- Spinal Adjustment
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